My name is Janneke Bosma, I am 23 years old, and I am second year student CME.
After my HBO bachelors in the build environment I joined Of CoUrsE! during my premaster (as the former commissioner of Public Relations). This year I decided to change roles. Currently I am the chairperson and commissioner of education. I am the point of contact and help the other board members where needed.
Together with the other board members I hope to organize more educative and fun activities for the (new) students. And to create an atmosphere where people can meet each other in a formal and informal way.
Besides my study I like to play tennis and go to the gym. Furthermore I like to play board games like Everdell and Wingspan (some of you might heard of these).
Curious about Of CoUrsE! or about joining the board? Feel free to reach out to us. Also when having questions about the study you are more than welcome to contact us.
As commissioner of Internal Relations i focus on maintaining contact with students and other study associations within the build environment. This can take the shape of activities, commisions and promoting.
As a boardmember im looking to improve upon my organisational skills and professional communication. As there are a lot of activities to organize and companies to communicate with this fits perfectly
After doing my HBO bachelors in the build environment i started my (pre)master Urban Systems and Real Estate (yes, i do not study CME).
Besides spending time on studying and the association i play the drums (hit me up for a free introductionairy drum lesson) and do a little bit of woodworking. All come second to spending too much time on my laptop ofcourse.
My name is Amirhassan Beykian and I am 24 years old. I study Civil Engineering in my Bachelor in Iran. To study CME master program in September 2021, I got ALSP scholarship from TU/e and I am super excited to be part of “of CoUrsE!” study association.
As the commissioner of Digitalization, I have renewed the website and change it into a new good looking one. My aim is to finish the website and complete what is left. then, try to keep the website up-to-date. In this way, I will help rest of the board organize activities and events on time. So, the students can have an easy access to all the regarding information.
My name is Hasti Manawi Rad, I am 23 years old, and I am very excited to join the board of study association of CoUrsE! this year. As the commissioner of Public Relations, I will have close contact with companies and our sponsors. Together with them I hope to create fun and educational opportunities and events for the CME students.
Before I started my master’s degree at the TU/e, I completed my HBO bachelor’s degree in construction engineering. After that I first followed the CME pre-master track before I started with my master in February 2022.
By becoming a board member of the study association, I hope to further develop my professional skills. In addition, I hope to use these skills to help other CME students to get in contact with companies for graduations and work possibilities.
Besides my studies I like to hang out with my friends, read as much as possible, and to try out new sports at the Student Sport Center.
My name is Bart van der Cammen, I am 23 years old. Currently, I am in my second year of the CME master. After a failed attempt at civil engineering at the University of Twente, I moved to Eindhoven to study Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences. After completing this Bachelor, I chose to study CME, and during my first year I joined the board of Of CoUrsE! as treasurer.
Together with my fellow board members, I aim to help Of CoUrsE! grow by organizing as many fun activities as possible, both educational and less educational.
Besides all this, my hobbies are tennis, squash, any other sport involving a racket, ice skating, and sailing. However, with a busy lustrum year coming up, I will probably not have much time for any of this.