Variety Seeking Route Choice Behaviour of Dutch Cyclists
Last Updated: 12-2023
Bicycles are an integral part of Dutch life. Previous researches on route choice of cyclists primarily focused
on how transportation-related attributes influence their decision-making. However, limited attention has
been paid to understanding the inherent inclination of individuals to make route selection based on diversity.
This study, for the first time, directs attention to the variety seeking behaviour (VSB) in route choices of
Dutch cyclists in their daily commutes with the aim to propose a method to investigate to what extent can
VSB be explained by personal characteristics. This study uniquely defines VSB and delineated different
levels. Using the self-developed Distinctive Link Proportion (DLP) method, VSB values for each individual
are quantified. Finally, a regression model is made to reveal how the personal-related attributes correlate
with VSB, which can be used to identify variety seekers.