Giving up on Private Cars: Research towards the willingness of residents to give up private cars due to the availability of carsharing
Last Updated: 2-2021
The Dutch mobility system is facing several challenges. Municipalities are stimulating other mobility modes (including carsharing) as an alternative to private cars. With a lack of knowledge of the factors related to car ownership, this study aims to explore and develop a model presenting the factors and relations that contribute to the willingness of residents to give up their private car(s), due to the availability of carsharing. This is translated into an approach which provides insights into the prediction and distribution of this willingness across the Netherlands.
To develop the model, the study of van der Waerden (2019b) is introduced related to the most preferable attributes of a carsharing system and local parking situations of respondents. Based on the respondents and their characteristics, a multinomial logistic regression model is specified and estimated. The model indicates the travel demand characteristics, sociodemographic characteristics, and urban & living environment characteristics that contribute to the residents’ willingness to give up private cars. Factors directly related to a carsharing system do not add significant value to the model and indicates that understanding of the other factors is more crucial. Next, the model is applied using the Woononderzoek Nederland 2012. Hereby, insights are presented into the potential Dutch municipalities with a higher and lower share of residents with the willingness to give up private cars, and higher potential in the number of reduced private cars. Insights show that the willingness is between 7% and 26% per Dutch municipality and that the major municipalities have the highest potential number in reduced private cars.
The results and maps could be useful insights and a valuable means of communication for municipalities and related mobility organisations in their questions towards car ownership and the stimulation of alternative mobility modes. The use and application of the approach and strategy, starting from identifying the individual characteristics, is of added value into the research towards the potential willingness to give up private cars and the distribution across the Netherlands. Potential for a reduction in car ownership, the use of land that (parked) cars are occupying, and stimulation of alternative mobility solutions.