Exploring the Effects of Integrating DISK and Ultimo on Asset Managers' Comprehension in Selecting Maintenance Strategies for Navigation Lock Gates
Last Updated: 9-2023
DISK and Ultimo are the two commonly employed asset inventory systems for performing
asset management activities of the gates in navigation locks. Although the information stored
in both systems overlaps in some areas, the required information is fragmented to select
proactive maintenance strategies. This study investigates the effects of integrating DISK and
Ultimo on asset managers’ comprehension when selecting gate maintenance strategies. The
study employs semantic web technologies to integrate DISK and Ultimo for the Eefde,
Hengelo, and Delden navigation locks in the Twente Canal. To realize the effects of this
integration, a web application will be developed using the Django framework to empower
asset managers to retrieve desired information from this integration using SPARQL queries.
The results of this integration and web application development prove that this integration is
beneficial for comprehending previous conditions of the gates for an extended period and
moving from reactive maintenance toward a proactive maintenance strategy by employing
RAMS and ProBO decision guidelines. However, it is not beneficial for critical defects inspected
for maintenance in a short period. In order to employ this development effectively, the actual
databases of DISK and Ultimo should be considered for this integration, with condition scores
stored more frequently and not on a three-year basis. Additionally, this integration helps to
consider the gates’ availability along a route when the asset manager is responsible for
managing multiple gates. Finally, to make this integration more effective in maintenance
selection, integration of other monitoring systems, such as ODS, is recommended for future
studies for making decisions based on RAMS and ProBO decision guidelines.