Traffic data collection framework : freight traffic data in the city of Eindhoven – A.P. Martinez
This thesis investigates traffic data collection methods to obtain freight traffic data in the city of Eindhoven. The research is done as a traffic data collection framework for The Netherlands.
Of particular interest are the importance of the traffic problems of the urban freight transport sector and the freight traffic data needed for their analysis. Traffic data collection methods are evaluated as part of a general solution for the urban transport sector improvement, instead of looking for a particular traffic problem solution. This paper presents a combination of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for a traffic data collection method selection process. The AHP integrates the opinion of different stakeholders to identify and prioritize the urban transport problems. Two phases of the QFD rank the freight traffic data and the methods to collect the data. The main findings indicate that probe vehicles (GPS-based and cellphone-based) are an adequate freight traffic data collection technique for the city of Eindhoven. This is related to their capacity to collect speed, journeys, time, and classification data. Furthermore, the results indicate that all stakeholders involved in the freight transport sector of The Netherlands consider the reduction of congestion, pollution, and safety risks as the most important problems to solve.