!ntervisiE 2021
of CoUrsE!is proud to present to you the 30th edition of the annual magazine of the 17th board of-of CoUrsE!, !ntervisiE. The theme of this year’s magazine is Circular Disposition, and it highlights how the rise of the new digital industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is a transformation that makes it possible to gather and analyze data across machines, enabling faster, more flexible, and more efficient processes in the construction industry. The unsustainable use of resources and the damage caused to our environment in the past decades makes it very crucial to think about what is left for future generations. Looking into the main agenda of the construction sector in Europe and more particularly the Netherlands, there could not be a hotter topic than the practice of circular economy in the construction industry. Hence, this theme was selected for the 30th edition of Intervisie! by the 17th board.
Click here to view the magazine and download a copy.