CME alumnus Mathijs Schoenmakers nominated for Academic Awards TU/e
We are proud to announce that the thesis Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure of our CME-alumnus Mathijs Schoenmakers was nominated for one of the 2019 Academic Awards at TU/e.
The MSc Thesis Award ceremony will take place on Friday 27 September during MomenTUm, the academic celebration of the year.
Please be advised that you can also watch this special moment via live stream if you cannot be present.The gathering at 2 pm is broadcasted via this link: https://openwebcast.nl/?p=6548.
The program is as follows:
1.1.30 pm: Welcome reception in Auditorium, first floor Senaatszaal – Voorhof
2.2.05 pm: BSc Thesis Award ceremony
3.2.10 pm: MSc Thesis Award ceremony
4.2.25 pm: PDEng Thesis Award ceremony
5.2.35 pm: PhD Thesis Award ceremony
6.2.45 pm: Marina van Damme Grant ceremony
7.3.00 pm: Closure, afterwards celebration drinks in the Voorhof in front of the Senaatszaal.
8.4 pm: Livestream of the MomenTUm ceremony for all guests in the Senaatszaal.
9.NB:From 8 pm till 1 am there is a MomenTUm celebration party at MetaForum for which you are most welcome. Free entry.
Further details of the MomenTUm program at 4 pm on www.tue.nl\momentum