4th Lustrum

This year we celebrate the 20th birthday of Of CoUrsE! And to do so we would like to invite you all to the alumni board member event. Here you can meet up with your fellow board members and all the other boards who together made Of CoUrsE! a beloved study association! During the event we will host a pubquiz. We will make groups on beforehand and therefore we need to know if you are coming. If you join the activity, please fill in your information below.
See you there!
20th board of OfCoUrsE!

The event is only for alumni board members

    Full Name (required):

    Email (required)

    Your phone number (required):

    When did you graduate from CME? (required)

    In which of CoUrsE board you were involved? (required)

    What function did you have within the board?

    Do you agree with making pictures and sharing them on website/Instagram? (required)

    Do you agree when you decided to cancel you will inform us? (required)