Our 3rd lustrum!
This acadamic year, of CoUrsE! celebrates it’s 3rd lustrum. To celebrate this, there will be some amazing activities.
16th of March: Lustrum Diner
In the evening of the 16th of March, we will start our celebrations with a nice diner. We invite all CME students, alumni and teachers to join and have a great evening. You can find more information and subscribe here.
20th of March: CME Company Orientation Day
This is your chance to make a step forward in your career! Several companies will be present and will give presentations and workshops. You will also get the chance to have a one-to-one talk with one of the companies. You can find more information and subscribe here.
21st of March: Cocktail workshop
To conclude the anniversary, we will follow a cocktail workshop with all CME students. Learn how to make the best cocktails and of course we will taste them afterwards. You can find more information and subscribe here.
Hopefully we will see you at the activities and have a great lustrum!